by | Sep 16, 2022 | Marketing | 0 comments

When we talk about Digital Marketing, it is natural that a series of tools and strategies known and famous in the current market comes to mind. However, what many companies forget, and in some cases are even unaware, is the power of lead segmentation.

Based on the idea that to convert, you need to segment; this strategy is as important as capturing and nurturing leads.

Lead segmentation, part of the scope of an Inbound Marketing project, can be the critical turning point in your company to turn leads into actual customers.

So, if you want to learn and understand more about the subject and how to deliver the right message to the right person, we have something important to tell you!

Please pay close attention to everything we will cover in this article.


After all, what is lead segmentation?

Imagine that lead segmentation works like a sieve for your business.

This sieve is responsible for understanding the behavior of your leads, classifying them, and diagnosing at which point in the buying journey they are.

With this, it is possible to work more effectively in the communication and qualification of these potential customers.

Let’s go to a practical example.

What do you think happens when a cold lead, that is, one that is neither ready nor qualified, receives an offer for your product/service?

You don’t have to overthink the answer, do you?! It is straightforward: NOTHING happens!

And nothing happens in the business scenario; it can cost a lot.

After all, no one wants to capture a lead so that, in the end, nothing happens!


Lead Segmentation: Know your goals

Precisely so that your potential client does not have any reaction about your business, lead segmentation exists.

This strategy has the central objective of improving the conversion flow of your leads, ensuring that the right message reaches the right person at the right time.

But it does not stop there! Lead segmentation has other goals and benefits that we must remember and highlight. Check it out:

  • Improves the results of your sales team: in addition to reducing the efforts of the commercial team, this strategy helps to deliver leads that are much more qualified and prepared to receive offers.
  • Optimizes the sales flow: segmenting is about understanding the behavior and habits of your potential customers and, with that, devising new strategies aligned with the profile you are looking for in the market.
  • Align communication: making the lead receive the message they need and are prepared to receive at that moment. No more and no less content in the right measure!

In addition, we can cite advantages such as:

  • Improving service strategies.
  • Improving customer relationships.
  • Helping to increase engagement in campaigns.
  • Bringing a more straightforward path to their strategies.


How to segment leads

Lead segmentation starts with the automation flow created in some compatible and appropriate tool.

In this automation, it is possible to place tags and even measure the score of each registered lead and develop content targeted to each specific group.

However, it is worth remembering that, for the strategy to happen effectively, it is necessary to have a professional who dominates the subject or a partner who is an expert in Inbound Marketing.

Here at MedX, for example, we have already helped hundreds of companies to increase the number of lead conversions through segmentation.

Want to understand more about the subject and take your company to the next level?

Talk to our team and get a free consultation to help you find your business’s best digital strategies.